If you are trying to get back into a routine, but you are finding it hard to stay motivated, then here is what you need to hear. In this article you will learn how to capitalize on your own assets during an economic crisis, how to stop playing the victim card, and how to reach peak levels of motivation. Right now, you are isolating yourself in your house, trying to keep your spirits up, but you are being bombarded with negativity from the mainstream media. After reading this quick, two-minute article you will replace the urge to binge watch Tik Tok videos with the urge to make the necessary changes to continue crushing it in your business.
The impact of COVID-19 will change the way you need to run your business. There are no if’s, and’s, but’s or anyway around this. No matter what business you are in, you should be taking this time to digitalize and systemize every possible aspect of your business. Despite everything that is going on, Amazon is thriving during a huge economic downturn. This should tell you that if you are not innovating, then you are going to be left behind. We are living in a digital world, and when you are able to streamline parts of your business using new technology, you will be able to hit the ground running faster than ever as things start getting back to the “new normal”. You have two choices. You can either make the necessary changes, or you can choose not to.
It is easy to play the victim in a situation like a global pandemic. I am here to tell you that it is not “against the rules” to reinvent how you do things to thrive after all of this. Here are three thing you can do right now to move your business forward using nothing but your phone:
-Boost your business’s social media (or create it if your business does not have a social media page)
-Reach out to your client/customer-base. Call, text, and/or email them and keep professional relationships going!
-Further your education in your field. (you can literally learn anything from your phone nowadays, and there is always more to learn. Be a life-long learner, or you will be left in the dust!)
Now, what you need to decide is what motivates you to keep getting better?
The highest levels of success require a different level of motivation. The need to prove others wrong, get validation, or buy expensive things may give you bursts of motivation, but this does not work for day to day motivation when the going gets tough. For the highest level of motivation that lasts, you need to know your purpose and meaning. You must believe that you are destined by the universe for complete greatness. You must believe that it is your divine mission to be at your best in the moments that matter most. When you can stand face to face with clients again, give them the undivided attention that they deserve. Your greatest asset is your focus. Use it wisely and give your focus to what will help you live your purpose. If you would like to talk more about staying motivated, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to email me at kade@fitnessjungkietraining.com or reach out to me through Instagram @kade_jungkurth. Thank you for giving me your most valuable asset for two minutes and go move your business forward!